Our Clinic offers consultations by appointment. We will do our best to provide you with a convenient appointment time, and always have reserved appointments for patients that need to be seen more urgently.
A standard consultation is designed to accommodate a single or uncomplicated matter and normally lasts 10-12 minutes, allowing your doctor to then enter their notes.
Longer appointments are available for more complex problems or if you have more than one thing to discuss. Please discuss your needs with our Receptionist when making the appointment.
All medicals, pap smears, mental health appointments, new patient visits and minor procedures require special bookings.
We encourage patients to notify us if they are unable to attend an appointment as this enables us to offer the appointment to someone else who may really need it.
If you have any individual special needs for your appointment please let us know – we are happy to help where we can. We have priority parking and a wheelchair to assist our patients, and with notice we can arrange interpreting services.
Face to Face consultation is our preferred way of medical care, however, if this is not possible, a telehealth appointment can be made with the doctor. Telehealth appointments are available for people who are unable to attend physically due to infection risks. These may also be used to follow up medical conditions or important results. Please note that telehealth consultations may not be suitable for all medical issues, and your health and safety are our priority. As such, it may sometimes be clinically important for the doctor to request that you are seen face to face at the practice, after a telehealth consult. Charges may apply for telehealth appointments.
HotDoc online booking is available to ease your waiting time on the phone for booking and you can book anytime. We understand our phone system has at times been inundated by high volume of calls resulting in long wait times. Online booking can be an easy and convenient alternative to book your appointment.
You will need to create an account on HotDoc the first time so that you can book your appointment online. If you are not able to find a suitable appointment for your usual doctor or need an urgent appointment, please call us and we will do our best to accommodate you. Some doctors do not accept new patient appointments via HotDoc. If you are a new patient and wish to see a doctor that does not have an available time shown, please call the clinic and speak to one of our receptionists.
The HotDoc recall system is now active to help remind you when important check-ups or follow up tests are due. You will receive a health message on your mobile. If you do not have a smart phone, you will still receive a reminder letter by post.